Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Isalmic views

This year, the annual World Public Forum on Civilizations and Religions held on the island of Rhodes attracted over 700 participants from more than 70 nations, for more than four days of discussion concerning politics, economics, education, religion, law, culture, migration, the media, and, as a special committee, Chinese civilization.

It was evident at the sessions devoted to religion, that the world holds, at best, a disdain for the U.S.
Unlike the image our American media paints, which tells us the world hates us because we are capitalistic imperialists,
these learned and devout foreign religous leaders addressed another issue: sexual immorality.

The general impression most of the Islamic clerics had at the World Public Forum was that Americans all embrace homosexuality, and that Jerry Springer and Hollywood represent our moral fiber.

The one America Christian leader who had been invited to the meetings was given an opportunity to speak. He began his address with an apology for the filth America's Hollywood has exported to the world. He reported later that the atmosphere in the room changed dramatically.

In Saudi Arabia last month, a pedophile was beheaded and crucified. This is the way Islam deals with sexual immorality.
Girls suspected of having premarital relations have their faces burned with acid. I could go on, but the point is, that as extreme as Islam is regarding sexual immorality (and I absolutely disagree with how they deal with it!)they see us as immoral, and we are fittingly called "The Great Satan".

The purpose for this post is to present a fuller picture than main stream media has presented so far.

And one more sound bite: Islam is NOT the fastest growing religion in the world. An Islamic leader admitted that in Africa, Muslims are converting to Christianity at the rate of over 600 per MINUTE!! And that, at least in Africa,
Islam is on the decline. This statistic was supplied through an interview on Al Jezzera by Muslim leaders.

This is a conversion testimony from a former Iranian Muslim.

What your Muslim neighbor and co-worker do not know is that the true and living God loves them. Alah does not.
What the average Muslim does not have is any assurance of salvation, because their entrance into heaven is based completely on works.
And even if they live a good life, Alah may still reject them.
What good news would it be for them to find out that the promise toAbraham (who is also father to the Arab) or to his descendents
that he would be heir of th world was not through the Law but throught the righteousness of faith! (Rom. 4:13)