Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I'm recommending a book. One that should come with a warning. Unless you want a holy invasion that will interrupt your agenda, perhaps even disable you from normal activity, and draw you like a love crazed fool into the arms of God - if you don't want all this, and even more, then I suggest you don't read it.
The book is "The Ecstacy of Loving God" by John Crowder (Destiny Image 2008) If you want the typical book synopsis click here It all seems tame on paper.
It was this one part in the book that did me in. It's about divine union. For many years I've studied the mystics, saints of old who experienced unspeakable delights in the presence of God. I had sort of resigned myself to the fact that the final goal of a spiritual union with God(which according to the mystics was possible here on earth)was probably beyond what I would ever achieve. I guess I looked it as an ascent higher than my weak heart would attain.
But this author not only suggests it's possible, he goes beyond it to "ecstacy".
Ever since I read this book, I have been drifting in and out (best way I can describe it) of the Lord's delightful presence. I feel a little tipsy.
Not sure what's ahead.
Oh, FYI, the author, John Crowder will be in the Tolland area this weekend. I don't know about him so much as I do that God is more real to me as I type this than I have ever experienced before...I pray as you read this He touches you.To order Ecstacy online click here

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

One Beautiful Boy

If you have seen the father, you have seen the son. No, I'm not being blasphemous, I'm describing my beautiful blue eyed, blond grandson. He's quiet like his daddy, and loves with such a big heart like his daddy too. He has an amazing vocabulary for a 2 1/2 year old male, and a second child at that. He has this wonderful way of speaking up for himself - not pushy, just putting himself out there enough to get his share. I love it.
He's non-stop movement, really not too crazy about shoes, or clothes in general. I have a mark on my wall where I measured his height this summer. It's pretty short, but when I look at it, I imagine him full grown coming to grammy's house and pointing to it saying, "Hard to believe I was once that small!" And I'll just smile and tell him all the wonderful things he said and did Christmas of 2008.

A Mother's Answered Prayer

Mothers pray from the first day they hold their baby daughters that they will marry a good man. The one my daughter married is so far beyond what I ever dreamed. This man loves his wife and children so deeply, I am inspired to love more just watching him. This quiet gentle man changes diapers, folds laundry, plays many instruments, goes to work, goes to school, runs marathons and climbs mountains. And, no he isn't superman, but almost!
But in spite of all his accomplishments, it's the way he loves that has won my heart. He's real clear about it. Family first. Every mother's greatest prayer for her daughter.
Oh, and did I mention, he's a Yankee fan?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

More gratittude

Beyond my three children, I am also blessed with two beautiful grandchildren. Everyone says being a grandparent is the most wonderful thing - and it's true! All the fun and blessings without the hard parts of parenting.
I had the delight of taking this lovely little one Christmas shopping. We went to Club Libby Lu's - just had to, you know. Then a snack in the food court, and a ride on the carousel, and of course, a quick look at the puppies in the pet store. Her parents have done all the hard work. I just get to enjoy her. And I do!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ooops! Forgot the Answers

For those of you who tried to answer the questions about the first Christmas posted last week, I apologize for taking so long to post the answers.
The answer to all of the questions is: THE BIBLE DOESN'T SAY! From Christmas carols, Christmas cards and movies, cultural additons have been made to the event. It is amazing how little space the bible gives to the telling of the story (Matthew 1:18-2:12; Luke 2:1-20) Wonder if there's a message in that?

Child Number Three

On my thankful list for Christmas is of course my youngest son. He was the quietest of the three (God's mercy on me, with two very lively older ones) He still is. Yet, in him is a rich clean river that refreshes and nourishes at just the right times. He has a noble heart, and so much courage I stand in awe. He is steady too. At some of my most difficult moments, he would reassure me, "It's gonna be ok, Mama." and there would be grace on his words that strengthened me. I am forever thankful for him.
"I love you too, Mama." is how he ends our phone calls. Mothers who read this will understand how those five words are like sunshine for the heart. I love you too, son. And I am so thankful to God for the gift of my Colin

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Joy Boy

Next on the list of things I am thankful for is my elder son. He is a bright star shining in a dark universe. Brilliantly gifted, he is truly one of the most creative people I have ever met. Whatever he turns to he transforms with beauty and imagination. Everywhere he goes he influences everyone with the reality of heaven and the joy of God.
He's been called a psalmist, artist, poet, minstrel, and prophet. He is brother, son, friend, lover. There is only 100% with him in everything. If you're having a bad day, he would make it your best day ever, by just walking with him.
He was a delightful chubby baby. He is now a handsome, completely engaging man.
I am thankful he is my son, that I know him, and that God put him in my life.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I am also thankful....

for the gift of a daughter. I have the best one, truly. I cannot imagine what life would have been like without her. In graceful brilliance she brings joy, peace, love, wisdom and truth wherever she goes. She is mine, but in a marvelous way, she is her own. I glimpse her womanhood for clues to understand mine.
When there is a crisis in the family she generously doses out strength, encouragement and help like home baked cookies - warm, fresh, pure.
Her name means pure. And she is... pure love, pure joy, pure woman.
I am blessed.

Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm thankful for....

...being married to a man of honor, Charles L. Fields. After 37 years of marriage, I am beginning to experience the "two shall become one". I say beginning to, because for so many years I was more focused on "me" than "we". It's not an emotional thing, or even a mental thing, it's more systemic, like I am no longer just who I am. I am him in another form, I am his other self.
My dad used to introduce my mother to people as "his better half". I always liked that. But, I don't feel half of anything. I feel complete.

Merry Christmas, Charlie. I love you.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Christmas List

I’ve decorated the bookstore and the house (mostly)for Christmas. It’s a ritual that I enjoy. But this morning, I realized there is a more beautiful element that I can lavish everywhere, amidst the pine branches and tiny white lights and ceramic ornaments: it’s thankfulness.
A friend of mine committed to 40 days of thankfulness. Every day he would list what he was thankful for, and choose one to meditate on, usually something he was grateful to God about.
So, this year I want my “Christmas List” to be what I am thankful for in my life. For the next two weeks, I am going to list the abundant blessings in my life.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Quiz

Try answering these questions WITHOUT checking in your bible first. See how well you know the Christmas story.

1. What did Mary ride to Bethlehem?
2. Where did Mary and Joseph stay when they got there?
3. What animals witnessed Jesus' birth?
4. What time of year was Jesus born?
5. How many wise men were there?

If you think you know the answers, send them to me in the comments or by email to blog@theamorybookstore.com
Anyone who gets all 5 correct (remember, no cheating by looking up the answers in your bible!)gets a 15% off coupon towards your online store purchase.
I'll publish the answers next Monday!

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Second Manger Scene

According to St. Bonaventure in the 13th century, St. Francis of Assisi desired the townspeople to commemorate the birth of Jesus. After obtaining permission from the pope, he prepared a real manger, brought in hay, an ox and a donkey. Then he gathered the townspeople to the site one night, and their torches and voices filled the forest with brilliance and praise.

Francis full of tears of joy, preached to the people about the birth of the poor King. So profound was his reverence and devotion to the Lord, he could barely speak His name, but referred to Him instead as, “the Babe of Bethlehem.”

The story continues with a soldier name Master John of Grecio, who had left his military pursuits and had become a friend of Francis’. While beholding Francis’ manger, the former soldier saw a vision of “an Infant marvelously beautiful, sleeping in the manger.” This vision was believed not only because of the character of Master John, but also because of the miracles that followed.

It is said that the hay of that manger cured diseases of animals and “many other pestilences”.

In our day, this simple display suffers much public controversy.
The Babe of Bethlehem still causes “the fall and rise of many in Israel and for a sign to be opposed…”Luke 2:35

I love the manger scene, wherever it is displayed, because I love the One who came to reconcile me back to God.