Saturday, December 20, 2008

Child Number Three

On my thankful list for Christmas is of course my youngest son. He was the quietest of the three (God's mercy on me, with two very lively older ones) He still is. Yet, in him is a rich clean river that refreshes and nourishes at just the right times. He has a noble heart, and so much courage I stand in awe. He is steady too. At some of my most difficult moments, he would reassure me, "It's gonna be ok, Mama." and there would be grace on his words that strengthened me. I am forever thankful for him.
"I love you too, Mama." is how he ends our phone calls. Mothers who read this will understand how those five words are like sunshine for the heart. I love you too, son. And I am so thankful to God for the gift of my Colin

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