Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Joy Boy

Next on the list of things I am thankful for is my elder son. He is a bright star shining in a dark universe. Brilliantly gifted, he is truly one of the most creative people I have ever met. Whatever he turns to he transforms with beauty and imagination. Everywhere he goes he influences everyone with the reality of heaven and the joy of God.
He's been called a psalmist, artist, poet, minstrel, and prophet. He is brother, son, friend, lover. There is only 100% with him in everything. If you're having a bad day, he would make it your best day ever, by just walking with him.
He was a delightful chubby baby. He is now a handsome, completely engaging man.
I am thankful he is my son, that I know him, and that God put him in my life.

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