Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I'm recommending a book. One that should come with a warning. Unless you want a holy invasion that will interrupt your agenda, perhaps even disable you from normal activity, and draw you like a love crazed fool into the arms of God - if you don't want all this, and even more, then I suggest you don't read it.
The book is "The Ecstacy of Loving God" by John Crowder (Destiny Image 2008) If you want the typical book synopsis click here It all seems tame on paper.
It was this one part in the book that did me in. It's about divine union. For many years I've studied the mystics, saints of old who experienced unspeakable delights in the presence of God. I had sort of resigned myself to the fact that the final goal of a spiritual union with God(which according to the mystics was possible here on earth)was probably beyond what I would ever achieve. I guess I looked it as an ascent higher than my weak heart would attain.
But this author not only suggests it's possible, he goes beyond it to "ecstacy".
Ever since I read this book, I have been drifting in and out (best way I can describe it) of the Lord's delightful presence. I feel a little tipsy.
Not sure what's ahead.
Oh, FYI, the author, John Crowder will be in the Tolland area this weekend. I don't know about him so much as I do that God is more real to me as I type this than I have ever experienced before...I pray as you read this He touches you.To order Ecstacy online click here

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