Tuesday, December 23, 2008

One Beautiful Boy

If you have seen the father, you have seen the son. No, I'm not being blasphemous, I'm describing my beautiful blue eyed, blond grandson. He's quiet like his daddy, and loves with such a big heart like his daddy too. He has an amazing vocabulary for a 2 1/2 year old male, and a second child at that. He has this wonderful way of speaking up for himself - not pushy, just putting himself out there enough to get his share. I love it.
He's non-stop movement, really not too crazy about shoes, or clothes in general. I have a mark on my wall where I measured his height this summer. It's pretty short, but when I look at it, I imagine him full grown coming to grammy's house and pointing to it saying, "Hard to believe I was once that small!" And I'll just smile and tell him all the wonderful things he said and did Christmas of 2008.

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